Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Power And Conflict In The Workplace Management Essay
Power And Conflict In The Workplace Management Essay For at least the past century, experts have been debating whether power and conflict are good or bad for organisational effectiveness. The purpose of this report is to highlight the importance of conflict and power by identifying the types, and clarifying the effects it has on an organisation. Conflict researchers propose that task conflict tend to have a positive relationship with performance while relationship conflict tends to have a negative relationship with performance. Furthermore, it will explain how power can be beneficial for an organisation, and how it can also destroy it. This report will give an understanding of both negative and positive sides of power and conflict. Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify how power and conflict can negatively affect modern workplaces, and how it can be seen as a positive for the organisation. Past studies have had many discussions on whether these two factors actually benefit the organisation, or affects in a negative way. Regardless, in todays society, being at work requires you to interact and communicate with others in the workplace; therefore understanding workplace conflict and conflict resolution theories is an important concern for many organisations. For a better understanding, this report will explain in depth what conflict and power is, then following; the causes and types of power and conflict. This can help organisations by identifying the causes of conflict; it can help find the best approach to resolve it. For example, having scarce resources; this can help organisations ensure that there are enough resources available for employees before any conflict arises. Preventing the situation before it a rises is the best approach as minor situations can escalate into major conflict. In relation to power, this report will explain how it will benefit the organisation by providing direction and better team work. Furthermore it will discuss how it will affect the organisation if it is misused, and how to prevent this from occurring. What is Power? Power, defined as the capability of one party to exert influence on another to act in a prescribed manner is often a function of both dependence and the use of that dependence as leverage. (Panteli, N Tucker, R 2009, p.113). The most basic prerequisite of power is that one person or group believes it is dependent on another person or group for a resource of value; for example, having power over others by controlling a desired job assignment, useful information, important resources or even the privilege of being associated with you. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 382). Generally, power can be categorised in five sources. Legitimate Power Refers to an agreement among organisational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviours of others ( McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 383). This associates with having a position of power in an organisation such as a manager. This power comes when employees in the organisation recognises the authority of the individual. Reward Power Reward power is conveyed from the persons ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 384).This can be done by giving bonuses, promotions and raises, extra time off work and so on. Coercive Power Coercive Power is the ability to apply punishment. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 385). This type of power is conveyed through fear of losing ones job, receiving a poor performance review, being demoted, having projects delegated to someone else etc Expert Power This type of power refers to an individuals or work units capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills that they value. Employees are gaining expert power as our society moves from an industrial to a knowledge-based economy. The reason is that employee knowledge becomes the means of production and is ultimately outside the control of those who own the company (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 385). Referent Power Referent Power refers to the capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the powerholder. It is largely a function of the persons interpersonal skills and tends to develop slowly. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 386). In addition, it is evident that legitimate, reward and coercive power originate from the position. In contrast, expert and referent power comes from within the person (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 385). 2.0 How can Power negativity affect modern workplaces? The misuse of power or the lack thereof also results in an organization that is unresponsive to innovation and change and usually relatively powerless. (Seperich, G.J McCalley, R.W 2006, p.15). In todays society, peoples use of power can revolve around trying to use power they dont have and using the wrong kind of power to achieve results. In most cases, people misuse their power due to the fact that they have it and arent aware of it. As a manager or leader, it is important to know how to correctly use the power. Misuse of power can lead to employees feeling stressed, if there is the delegation of work-overload, which can eventually lead to high levels of absenteeism, turnovers, resignations, low performance levels and low job satisfaction. All these events will affect modern workplaces as they will have to spend time and money in order to resolve the situation. In addition, organisations that ensure their power is not misused, they adopt behaviours that build healthy relationships . This can be justified by not only having the ability to get the job done, but also having a positive behaviour and attitude around co-workers. Another tactic is to not play favourites. This can be seen as unfair to employees. Also being a good role model for your organisation is also very important. To have a respectable and good behavioural team, management and leaders need to set a good example. Lastly, those whos got the power should know that with great power come great responsibilities. This includes dealing with hard conversations. Management should use compassion to deliver hard messages, in which this comes back to making employees feel comfortable and building healthy relationships. 3.0 How can Power be seen as a positive? Power is seen to play a major role in team dynamics and interactions. According to Niki Panteli and Robert Tucker, a study of 18 distributed teams within an organisation was established in order to encourage the interviewees to recall their experiences from working in a team. Open-ended questions were asked to explore the background of the team, the performance levels, the distribution of power amongst the team members, the levels of trust within the team, and how trust changed over time. The interview also enabled the members to judge and describe whether they worked well, or did not work well in teams. Results showed that 11 teams worked well, 7 had good trust relationships, 7 did not work well and lastly, 4 teams developed trust over time. During the interview, power differentials were acknowledged in all of the teams; including those who considered themselves to have worked well. This isnt necessarily a negative action for the team. What differentiates the teams that worked well against collocated teams in terms of how the power differentials were used is that the team used it to their advantage; by having shared goals in order to create a higher level or an overriding goal or vision. These goals were focused on the success of the team as a whole; enabling the members to not feel like they are in a position to alter the power due to the situation. Therefore, allowing time to look for something that was more important than their individual needs. The study also found that in the high trust teams, power differentials does not disappear, however it shifts from one member to another. Power can originate from knowledge, therefore at any given point in time; the most powerful was the individual with the most relevant information (cited in Panteli, N Tucker, R 2009, p. 114). In this case, it is expert power that is being established. In modern workplaces, this is seen a positive due to the reason that power tends to move based on whatever the activity is going at that time. This will lead the power following those that are most knowledgably at any point in time; providing the organisation with the most efficient information, from those who expertises in that department. Generally, having power within a team or organisation can be very beneficial, not only can it voice expert power and opinions, but it can also provide direction. For example, when working in teams, there can be individuals who feel lost and unaware of what to do, therefore by having power, it can give the individual a sense of direction as they know who to report to and discuss their issues with. It can also help with quick decision making. For example, when a quick decision is to be made, power can speed up the process as generally, individuals who have legitimate, expert and referent power automatically have authority to make the decision, rather than having to discuss with other co-workers. Everyone recognizes the need to be organized in order to plan activities, assign r esponsibilities, and identify a common goal to be reached. Once everything is in place, power must be used to give direction and control the process. (Seperich, G.J McCalley, R.W 2006, p.14). Furthermore the power in an organization must be used as a resource to stimulate intelligent decision making, encourage problem solving, motivate sustained energy in its people, and foster the pursuit of excellence (Seperich, G.J McCalley, R.W 2006, p.15) What is Conflict? Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 414). Disagreement or conflict, risk, and time can be either assets or liabilities depending on how they are managed by you and the members of your team. (Troester, R Mester, C 2007, p.185). Personality of managers affects their managerial style and their conflict management method (Salimi, S.H Karaminia, R Esmaeili, A.A 2011, p.11), therefore styles should be thoroughly assessed in which the appropriate method should be chosen. When managing conflict, it is important to work together as it is extremely common for conflicts to escalate regardless of what type of conflict. Generally, there are three types of different conflict; Task conflicts, Relationship conflicts and Process conflicts. Torrance refers task conflict as primarily related to performing tasks, which is often proposed to improve the quality of group work by encouraging more alternative ideas and to help a group avoid conformity traps (cited in Choi, K Cho, B 2011, p.1106), while relationship conflict refers to the types of conflicts in which people focus on the characteristics of other individuals, rather than on the issues, as the source of conflict. They are not task-related; they focus on personal values, gossip, individuals styles or personality and personal tastes. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 416). Last of all, Jehn describes process con ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡icts as arguments about logistics (how to best achieve the agreed-upon solution to a work problem) and delegation (how and to whom to delegate which tasks)- (cited in Romer, M et al. 2012, p. 255). Managing conflict in organizations has long been a topic of interest to researchers because of its impact on performance, whether its a negative, positive impact, or both (Williams, F 2011, p. 148). Though, as mentioned earlier, if possible, it is best to prevent the over all conflict before it escaluates. Conflict prevention refers to actions seeking to address the underlying permissive conditions to prevent a conflict from turning violent in the first place. (Rodt, A.P 2012, 378). It is just as important to prevent the issue as well resolving it. However the six main conditions that cause conflict in organisational settings are incompatible goals, value differences, interdependence, scarce resources, ambiguous rules and communication problems Incompatible Goals Goal incompatibility is where the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals can be a source of conflict in organisations (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 418). Differentiation This refers to the differences among people, departments and other entities regarding their training, values, beliefs and experiences. Differentiation and incompatible goals can be linked together as two people or departments may agree on a common goal but have profound differences in how to achieve the goal. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 418). Interdependence Interdependence exists when team members must share common inputs to their individual tasks, need to interact in the process of executing their work, or receive outcomes (such as rewards) that are partly determined by the performance of others. Higher interdependence increases the risk of conflict because there is a greater chance that each side will disrupt ot interfere with the other sides goal (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 418). Scarce Resource This refers to the availability of resources. Scarce resources causes conflict between each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfil the their goals. For that reason, these conflicts occur simply because there isnt enough financial, human capital and other resources for everyone to accomplish their goals, therefore employees need to justify why they should receive the resources. Furthermore, the more resources one project receives, the fewer resources another project will have available to complete its goals. (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 419). Ambiguous Rules Ambiguous Rules refers to the complete lack of rules in which it causes conflict. This occurs due to the reason that uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with other partys goal. Nevertheless, when clear rules exist, employees know what to expect from each other and have agreed to abide by those rules (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 419). Communication Problems In terms of communication problems, there are three factors that can cause conflict; lack of opportunity, ability and motivation. When parties lack the opportunity to communicate, they tend to reply on stereotyping. This can negatively distort the meaning of an opponents actions, escalating perceptions of conflicts. Furthermore, when parties lack the skills to communicate in a diplomatic manner, the opposing party can view the situation differently in which it will likely heighten their perception to conflict. Lastly, it is in our nature as humans to feel uncomfortable when interacting with others in a conflicting relationship. Therefore avoiding the situation and distinguishing minimal communication can further escalate the conflict. How can Conflict negatively affect modern workplace? According to a survey by Pace, 85% of employees deal with conflict to some degree, 49% believe that the primary causes of workplace conflict are the personality clashes and warring egos between employees, 34% (believe that the conflict is) related to stress and 33% (consider it to be) due to heavy workloads (cited in Singleton et al. 2011, p.149). Therefore it is highly recommended to study workplace conflict, conflict management theories, and how organisational leaders can control conflict as a stimulus to creativity which causes their organisations to thrive (Singleton et al. 2011, p.149). As a result, it is evident that conflict not only affects the organisation, but the employees and their psychological well-being. What is most alarming is that workplace conflicts may have a long-lasting effect on individuals and the organisation, even after they have left. Past studies show that conflict increases negative emotions, affecting the well being of individuals, withdrawing satisfacti on and causing emotional exhaustion. What is seen to be affecting the individual, is also affecting the organisation. This emotional exhaustion from employees can lead to increase of absenteeism and employee turnover. Turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. (Vijaya, T.G Hemamalini, R 2012, p. 577). Although all types of conflicts are associated with decreased well-being, past studies show that relationship conflicts seem to do more negative and detrimental effects on individual well-being; this is due to the fact that it affects morale which is likely to result in decreased satisfaction with the job, group and organisation as well as threatening ones identity, self-esteem and generating more intense emotion (Romer, M et al. 2012, p. 256). In terms of performance and team satisfaction relationship conflicts have a bigger impact than task relationships. For these reasons, it is why relationship conflicts are seen as always dysfunctional and more difficult to resolve. How can it be seen as a positive? In todays society, despite which career path is taken, it is important to understand conflict and conflict resolution as everyone in the workplace needs to work and interact with others in the organisation. Conflict is part of the normality and is manifested with varying degrees of intensity, occurring when people feel they have created inconsistencies between their goals, aspirations and expectations (Cojocaru, C 2010, p.429). Conflict is unavoidable whether it is in the workplace, or in social life. Hatch and Cunliffe states that learning to deal effectively with conflict and making it functional is a critical investment for good intrapersonal and interpersonal relations in organizations well as setting the tone for a positive climate and culture for success (cited in Judonoo, E Schroeder, K Boysen-Rotelli, S 2012, p.52). It is beneficial for organisations to promote a culture of healthy conflicts by creating the right atmosphere. This is the best approach for organisations as co nflict will occur regardless, in which time and money are spent in resolving them. However, in todays society, modern workplaces can sometimes see conflict as a positive. According to the Model of the Conflict Process the positive conflict outcomes include better decisions, responsive organisation and team cohesion (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione 2010, p. 415). In modern workplaces, conflict can be seen as having a lack of understanding about differing needs. This can result in disagreements and arguments. Furthermore, this is not necessarily negative. When organisations recognize the conflict, they become willing to examine the situation and environment, in a more compassionate manner, understanding all options. This conflict can be an asset for organisations as it gives the opportunity to discuss and explore other options while opening pathways to different ways of problem solving and team building. Conflict can be beneficial for organisations as it enables individuals to discuss the pros and cons of each scenario or situation; in which it will provide the organisation with the most relevant and important information. Therefore, if conflict hadnt occurred, further discussions and research wouldnt have been accomplished, leaving the organisation with limited options. Jehn states that task conflicts, on the contrary, are thought to benefit performance by leading to deep thinking and thorough consideration of information'(cited in Long, C Zhong-Ming, W Wei, Z 2011, p. 191). Lastly, another important positive factor of conflict is improved relationships. Although this factor mainly benefits individuals, it is also evident that it also positively affects the organisation. When individuals have a positive relationship with co-workers, the organisation benefits from this as there will be an increase of high performance, decrease employee stress and decrease turnover and absenteeism. In modern workplace, conflicts may lead to an awareness of many important issues in an organisation, and thus, a search for solutions, development of creative and new ideas and formations as well as effective and permanent decisions. The diverse and complicated nature of conflicts imposes a critical and important role on conflict management due to the fact that conflicts may contribute to the improvement of organizational effectiveness when they are managed well. (Altun, O.S Argon, G 2011, p.725) Conclusion The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that it is important for managers to put effort when dealing with power and conflict. As mentioned earlier, minor conflict can easily be escalated into a major situation. Furthermore in relation to power, organisations need to recognise that the misuse of power can be easily adopted, even without realisation.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Game of Hackysac or Footbag :: essays research papers
The Game of Hackysac or Footbag What if I told you that in my hand I hold the secret to world harmony that diplomats have been searching for for centerys. That a toy about the size of a plumb can improve your physical and mental well being tremendously. It may sound corny, but it may even bring you at peace with the world. You may call me crazy, but I believe that this little devise can do all these things. This is the hackysac, or footbag as it is officially known, and it is the only component necessary in a very exciting game. But to me, it is much more than a game. To me, it is an expressive dance, a natural high, an important social skill that everyone should become familiar. I am now going familiarize you with this social skill by explaining some philosophy behind it and showing you some basic kicks. The Olympics claim to promote peace and unity, but any hacker will tell you the true goodwill game is hackysack. It has kept warrior guards awake in ancient China, warmed up the legs of soccer players, and helped treat sports injuries by stretching muscles and tendons. Through it's lattest incarnation, though, it's the ultimate neo-hippie sport;the athletic equivalent of tie-dyed clothing or listening to the Grateful Dead. Hackysac's reputation as a game of peace, love and understanding may have begun during a 1987 American-Soviet peace walk protesting the arms race. As hack circles developed along the road from Leningrad to Moscow, people joked that summit meetings weren't the answer and the true secret to lasting peace among nations lay in the game of hackysack. The dynamics of the game reinforce the hac's image of a game of good-will. Basically, the hac is pass through the air with any part of the body except the hands and arms. A circle is formed as more people join in, and there is no limit to the number of players. In fact, the more the merrier since the fun increases with more players. This makes the sport inherently welcoming, all you need do is ask and your in. The circle itself is significant in that it makes everyone equal, there is no single "important" position, no quarterbacks, centers, goalies, or bench warmers. Best of all, you can hack just about anywhere except in line at the bank. A friend of mine once asked me, "Why do you play hackysac? You can't score and you can't win." To which I responded, "Exactly." The fact that emphasis is not place on scoring or wining is the beauty of the sport.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Psychological Measure
Abstract * There are various psychological measures which are used to evaluate conditions such as depression in children and adults and even insomnia. The articles Revised Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and also Antidepressants and the Sound of One Hand Clapping discuss the use of the Hamilton Depression Scale. These articles also compare and contrast the measurements which were discovered by using this scale. Within the contents of this paper is an explanation as to who is qualified to administer and interpret the measure as well as the settings in which it would deem proper to use the measure. Finally, validity of the Hamilton Depression Scale is reviewed within this paper. Psychological Measure The Hamilton Depression Scale or normally known as HAM-D is a test that was developed by Max Hamilton around 1960 (Warren, 1994). The test has been revised in the years of 1966, 1967, 1969, and finally in 1980. It is a questionnaire that is filled out by the patient and professional after the patient’s initial interview. The main goal of the test is not to help diagnose the person’s depression, but to test the severity of the depression. Max Hamilton was also clear that the test he created should not be used to diagnose patients, but simply to test the levels of severity. Summary of Articles The articles analyzed were, Revised Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, written by W. L. Warren and Antidepressants and the Sound of One Hand Clapping written by Ronald W. Pies, MD from the Psychiatric Times. HAM-D looks at the level of severity of the different symptoms that are found in patients that have depressions. The symptoms of mood, insomnia, agitation, anxiety and weight loss are some the characteristics that are addressed in the questionnaire. In other words, it tests people that have already been diagnosed with clinical depression to find, if any, changes that may have come from treatment, or symptoms that have worsened due to daily struggles. This test is used by psychologists on children, teenagers, and adults (Warren, 1994). A great example of its many uses is trying to find the effect of placebos on patients. The placebo, also known as a sugar pill, is known to have no true physical effect on the human body except in the psychological belief of its healing power by the patient (Pies, 2011). The article written by W. Warren explored more on the clinical therapy that is achieved from the test, while Ronald W. Pies MD’s article focus more on the experimenting research benefits of the test. They both agree on the purpose of the test, but have slightly different goals or focus of its use in the psychological community. HAM-D Administration The majority of psychological testing for antidepressants is done through the HAM-D test (Pies, 2011). In Warren’s article, he explained that the reliability of internal tests done with the HAM-D comes around 81% with a fair sample reaching the general representation of the demographics of clinical depress patients. The validity was also to be found in a mean around 61% as being correlated by other depression tests such as the BMI (Warren, 2011). There are seven items that Hamilton felt were necessary to consider when administering the HAM-D. The first would be the severity and longevity of the symptoms. The second is that the test should cover the last week or two weeks. It is not meant to cover just a day since it is difficult to monitor lack of sleep, or weight loss in one day. The third item is that each item in the scale must be evaluated separately. Just because a person rates high in one area does not mean that they will rate high in another area. The fourth item that Hamilton covered was that the scale is based on a change from the norm in the patient. This scale is used to rate the depressed mood symptoms not the personality of the person. The fifth item is that each week should be looked at separately. The researcher should not look at one week, or ask about the previous week when doing the new test. The sixth item, which is rarely done now, is that the person administering the test should look at all sources of information, such as listening to what family members have to say. The last item that Hamilton felt necessary was to caution the clinician to use their own judgment when evaluating a person. For example, if a person says they have lost a lot of weight, but in reality it is only a few pounds, the clinician must be able to evaluate this information for what it really may be, such as dieting, or eating special foods due to a holiday (Hersen, 2004). Hamilton never did set a specific set of standards for who should be allowed to administer the test. He did feel that the person who was administering the test should have certain skills and knowledge. Hamilton is quoted as saying, â€Å"The value of the scale depends entirely on the skill of the interviewer in eliciting the necessary information (Hersen, 2004)†. Hamilton felt that the clinician should have a varied background with dealing with people with all different degrees of severity in their depression. The rater should have didactic training as well as a background in psychology especially with affective disorders. The person doing the rating should have good interviewing skills, this would include knowing when to ask certain questions as well as how to phrase the questions that are to be asked (Hersen, 2004). Validity It is difficult to say that the Hamilton Depression Scale in general is either valid or invalid without considering a few factors. Researchers have analyzed content, convergent, discriminant, factorial and predictive validity which are found within this scale. Content validity refers to the reflection of the scale items in correspondence to known factors of depression. Convergent validity correlates with other depression’s other measures. Discriminant validity involves distinguishing between groups which suffer from depression and those groups that do not. Factorial validity stems from factor examination of the data-based structure of the scale, determining whether each item focuses on the designed factor. Finally, predictive validity occurs in predicting change in the severity of symptoms which are associated with treatment (Bender, 2005). Validity within the Hamilton Depression Scale varies depending on what is being examined. Testing for information regarding older adults may be more or less valid than testing to see if the condition of the economy influences depression. Validity studies which examine scaling and item content concluded that several items failed at measuring single symptoms or containing response options that correlate with the degrees of severity (Bender, 2005). However, as previously mentioned, when this scale was used to measure antidepressants as they relate to depression, it proved 61% valid in comparison to other tests which are administered to produce information which pertains to depression. These two discoveries assist in concluding that the validity of this measure varies based on different factors such as what it actually being tested and possibly the whom is person or persons responsible for administering the test due to interpretation and biasness. Conclusion Various measures evaluate the factors which correlate with depression, but the Hamilton Depression Scale is one of the most widely used in terms of depression. This measure is not used to diagnose depression, but rather to produce information about the level of severity. Although there is no definitive answer about who should be administering this test, the administrator should take seven factors into consideration during this process. As with any other testing measure, validity has to be taken into consideration when determining if the test should continue to be used in the future. However, validity is not cut and dry, but rather complex as it concerns what is being measured. Overall, this widely used measure, has revealed useful results in the past concerning depression and will continue to do so in the future. References Bender, K. (2005). Throwing Out the Gold? Reconsidering the HAM-D. Psychiatric Times Retrieved from http://www. psychiatrictimes. com/blog/couchincrisis/content/article/10168/1968125 Hersen, M. , Hilsenroth, M. J. , & Segal, D. L. (2004). Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment . Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. Pies, R. W. (2011) Antidepressants and the Sound of One Hand Clapping. Psychiatric Times Retrieved from http://www. psychiatrictimes. com/blog/couchincrisis/content/article/10168/196812 Warren, W. (1994). Revised Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Friday, January 3, 2020
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